Freebie: Halo – Master Chief Collection
The Halo - Master Chief Collection is now currently 50% off AND free to play on Steam for the weekend!
A PC gamer caught in the middle of old-school and new-school games, trying to come to grip with it all. A student, working towards a goal, all the while doing a little bit of writing, reviewing, and editing on the side. I hope you enjoy my articles, it is all for a bit of fun.
The Halo - Master Chief Collection is now currently 50% off AND free to play on Steam for the weekend!
A really fun game with good animation and wonderful sound effects. However, there is a problem with the price tag.
Jagged Alliance 1 is now free forever, for a limited time! Act now!
Surviving Mars is an excellent half game, a base for a game. Unfortunately everything that could be built on top...
A wonderful tower defense game that stands the test of time. It may be a bit old, but there is...
'Git Gud', a problem, or a problem just for 'game journalists'? Can you really beat, finish, or complete a game...
During the battle between Epic and Apple, documents have been revealed as to just how unprofitable the Epic Games Store...
Ember is a game that tries to be like the great isometric RPGs of the past, like Fallout 1, or...
Are video games destroying China's birth rate? No? It was the one child policy and epidemics? Well, they have been...
Dying Light: The Following is a great bit of DLC that is really more of an expansion of the game....
When you see the message "Get the newer version of Windows to stay up to date. Your version of Windows...
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© 2021 Game Knightly - PC Gaming News, reviews and previews since 1066 - Knightly Media.