In the last week, the Steam Summer Sale 2018 date leaked onto the internet.
Valve never officially releases the dates for its Steam sales every year, but typically, there’s a leak or hint that reveals the date, this time around it was the Steam Database, this is a website that tracks changes to games on steam and their properties e.g. game updates, prices, hidden data, its effectively a massive Steam database, Via twitter they revealed that the 2018 steam Summer Sale is starting on thursday, the 21st of June, 2018 this year.
There’s no known end date, but usually it’s around two weeks, given the last years sale. The date isn’t confirmed as valve usually doesn’t acknowledge it, but one thing that’s for sure, there’s going to be thousands of steam games on sale, we highly recommend you check out our steam price guide on how to save more money here as it’s explained in our guide, region locked prices means you may not be getting the best deal, depending on your country.
With each sale, usually there’s a card game, where the more you spend, the more cards you get to complete a badge and sometimes a mini-game to unlock more things. Here’s to another great epic steam sale.
Update 18/06//2018 – Mystery badge and steam cards
Various sources have found a hidden mysterious badge inside valve’s badge and card databases, the image certainly is appealing and exciting, this could mean the theme this steam summer sale will be around mystery, Cluedo anyone?